
"It's easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you"- D.C

2 Comentarios:

Blogger Will dijo...

sweet Steve! :)

6:44 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

When that time comes that you are overseas, and in the darkness of night when it seems like you might be alone ... know that you are not.

You have so many people who appreciate what you are doing. It takes a special person to dedicate themselves to the military, and I am grateful for the ones like you.

I have a tender heart toward those in the military. You are a wonderful person who deserves all the thanks we can give.

Although we've never met, through your profile, pictures and description, in a very small way, I kind of got the gist of what you're like.

Hope this didn't come off sounding too much like a Hallmark card. I just wanted to let you know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers often.

If there's any way at all to keep in touch, please do so.

Your "Civilian" Friend,

8:12 p. m.  

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